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"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... Thomas Dixon . Even Carlyle , she implies , suffers in author- ity when he ventures on this dangerous ground . We read : " Carlyle , after long and painful thought , arrives at the conclu- sion that ' cut betokens intellect and talent ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
thomas dixon. CHAPTER XIII THE CLOSING OF THE RANKS A wave of fierce anger swept the North . The fall of Sumter was ... in author- ity hoped , that a re - formation of the Union would soon take place in peaceful ways on the basis of ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... Thomas Dixon . Even Carlyle , she implies , suffers in author- ity when he ventures on this dangerous ground . We read : Carlyle , after long and painful thought , arrives at the conclu- sion that ' cut betokens intellect and talent ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... Thomas Homer - Dixon , Environment , Scarcity , and Violence ( Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press , 1999 ) , 5 . 3. Mary Kaldor , New & Old Wars : Organized Violence in a Global Era ( Stanford , CA : Stanford University Press ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... University Press , 2002 ) , 234–36 ; also Journals 141 . 3. Richard Brodhead , Cultures of Letters ( Chicago ... Thomas Dixon's , a fact that Garrison , among oth- ers , protested ( 168-69 ) ; furthermore , Page advocated for ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... DIXON ( THOMAS , JR . ) The Leopard's Spots : A Romance of the White Man's Burden , 1865-1900 . Illusts . by ... in author's autograph . 166. DOBSON ( AUSTIN ) . Eighteenth Century Vign- ettes 12 The Anderson Auction Co.
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... in author- ity , under the title Augustus , and soon after he appointed ... university of the South , 1885 ; D. D. , Princeton , 1896 , Oxford ... Dixon , Thomas , Jr. , lecturer and author , born in Shelby , N. C. , 1864 ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... in author- ity with short sightedness in not distributing their advertising over the country more gener- ally . With a view to presenting the facts of the case as ... THOMAS DIXON . British Representative of Common Common - Sense 13.
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... Thomas and Ronald A. Dixon , “ Cemetery Ecology , " Natural History 82 , no . 3 ( March 1973 ) : 61 . 2. Ibid . , 62 . 3. Ibid . , 66–67 . 4. Ibid . 5. Statement of Orville L. Freeman , Secretary of Agriculture , on S. 2036 , Before the ...
"inauthor: Thomas Dixon", источник:
... Thomas , Kelva , by Bill Richards , Berea , Ky . , 1974 , in author's possession . Thompson , Lois , by the author ... Dixon , Danny , sermon recorded by the author , Cedar Grove Old Regular Baptist Church , Letcher Co. , Ky . , 8 ...