Friendship, consumption, morality: practising identity, negotiating hierarchy in middle‐class Bangalore. N Nisbett. Journal of the Royal Anthropological ...
Nicholas Nisbett is Professorial Fellow at IDS and a Professor of Global Public Policy, Nutrition and Health Equity at the University of Sussex.
Richard Eugene Nisbett (born June 1, 1941) is an American social psychologist and writer. He is the Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished Professor of social ...
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Вопросы по теме
Who are Nisbett and Wilson?
Richard Nisbett and Timothy Wilson designed the Halo Effect Experiment to investigate how attributes perceived in one context could influence overall judgments about an individual. The experiment involved college students who were shown videotapes of a guest lecturer.
What do Cohen and Nisbett discover in their University of Michigan study?
In two field ex- periments, Cohen and Nisbett (1995) showed that southern in- stitutions, such as employers and the media, may perpetuate culture-of-honor norms by being less likely to stigmatize vio- lence in defense of honor and more likely to see it as justifiable or sympathetic.
The results of the experimental study revealed that the deformation of the geocell wall decreases with the increase in the friction angle of the infill material ...
The well-known experiments of Nisbett and Wilson lead to the conclusion that we have no introspective access to our decision-making processes.
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UNCORRECTED PROOF. Fine in pictorial printed wrappers. (Publisher's publicity rep's card stapled to front cover.). Special yellow feather laid-in. Author's ...
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) results from episodes of airway collapse and intermittent hypoxia (IH) and is associated with a host of health complications.
11 июл. 2018 г. · This study examines the use of tissue-based simulations in cardiothoracic surgery with medical students, residents, and fellows.
by Penny Johnson, Paul Nesbitt, Chris Drury. Paperback, 30 Pages, Published 1995 by Towner Art Gallery & Local Museum ISBN-13: 978-1-871360-06-6 ...