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"inauthor: Henry Drury", источник:
Alice Caddy, Artist. Residents ol Ottawa who remem- ber Hie lale John Si ... in author nnd illustrator is particularly happy, as in private life Miss ... Drury Lane to see Henry Irving and what we see now ot a movie. Tolerance of ...
"inauthor: Henry Drury", источник:
... In author!?, ng tho con- n StriiPllon of tho vc«sel?, was looking ... Drury, a well-known shipper and contractor, 08: in Rochester, N. H., Frank H ... Henry R. Vaile, 76; in Bcston, Ephriam M. Dudley, twenty-one years treasurer ...
"inauthor: Henry Drury", источник:
... in author*' and artists' quarrels. M. Erokmann has announced his ... Henry Arthur Jones, mav be heartily congratulated upon their success. It is ... Drury- lano, and "The Dead Heart "at the Lyceum, will brin" the opening ...
"inauthor: Henry Drury", источник:
... in author'* fees, and will probably continue to do so for many years, £16,000 for "Moore'a Melodies" sinks into insignificance. Mr. Pi:ttitt» whose now melodrama, " Human Nature," fit Drury Lane, scored, according to the eoowpondent ...