"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... MPs, but the Canadian House of Commons should impose a similar financial penalty for MPs for non-attendance. 2. The anti-harassment orientation in Canada and the Valuing Everyone orientation in the United Kingdom should name and focus on ...
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... in author's possession. DIUS. Department for Innovation, Universities, and Skills. (2008). Participation rates in higher education: Academic ... House of Commons, The United Kingdom Parliament. (2004). Hansard volume 146 CLAIRE CALLENDER.
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... Great Britain . Parliament . House of Commons . Select Committee on Aborigi- nal Tribes [ British Settlements ] ... inauthor : % 22Great + Britain . + Parliament . + House + of + Commons . + Select + Committee + on + Abo riginal + ...
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... English architecture, Trollope asserted Westminster equal to Antwerp or Milan, explaining how, we have erected finer buildings than are to be found in either. Now that our Houses of Parliament are nearly completed it is of course the ...
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... in Democratic and Democratizing Legislatures ' ( paper presented at the Workshop for Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians , Berlin , 19-20 August 1994 ) , 5. Bruce George is Chairperson of the British House of Commons Defense ...
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... Parliamentary Papers , c . 7383 , Papers relating to the Administration of Matabe- leland and Mashonaland , Presented to Parliament and House of Lords , 1894 ; Knight , Rhodesia of Today , pp . 138-49 . 34 An Agreement between Her ...
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
... Parliamentary Papers , c . 7383 , Papers relating to the Administration of Matabeleland and Mashonaland , Presented to Parliament and House of Lords , 1894 ; Knight , Rhodesia of Today , pp . 138-49 . 34 An Agreement between Her Majesty's ...
"inauthor: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons", источник:
The Political Economy of Journalism in Britain and America from the Glorious Revolution to the Internet Richard R ... House of Commons ' Debates , 1771-1834 , ” in Essays Presented to Sir Lewis Namier , ed . Richard Pares and ...