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"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University Press, 2015. Kabaservice, Geoffrey. The Guardians: Kingman Brewster, His Circle, and the Rise of the Liberal Establishment. New York: H. Holt and Co., 2004. Kanigel, Robert. Eyes on the Street: The Life of Jane Jacobs. New ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University of Illinois in the mid- 1940s. See also Jacob Christian Jacobsen ... Miller (Rockefeller Institute), Vernon Bryson (Rutgers University), Howard B ... Geoffrey H. Beale, M. Grieg, Halldór Grimsson, Albert Kelner, Philip ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University of North Carolina Press , 1942 . Pena , Christopher G. Scarred by War : Civil War in Southeast Louisiana . Bloomington , IN : Author House , 2004 . Perret , Geoffrey . Lincoln's War : The Untold Story of America's Greatest ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... in author's possession . 30. Schwartz , " Support for Vaccine Damage ... Miller , “ Academic Scandal in the Internet Age , " Chronicle of Higher ... Geoffrey Sea declared that “ the book is as insightful as it is important ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Miller , and the Structure of the Canterbury Tales . ” In Critical Essays on Geoffrey Chaucer , edited by Thomas C. Stillinger , 82-111 . New York : Hall , 1998 . " What Man Artow ? ' : Authorial Self - Definition in The Tale of Sir ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Kabaservice , Brewster's biographer , compiled these figures . Kabaservice also allowed the author to read a draft chapter , titled " Meritoc- racy and Yale's Road to Coeducation , " from the biography . In author's personal ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Reaume. Rose, D. (2004). Discourses and experiences of social mix in ... University Press. Rose, N. (1999). Powers of freedom: Rethinking ... Miller, T. (Eds.). (2011). It gets better: Coming out, overcoming bullying ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University Press . Laslett , Peter . 1973. The world we have lost . 2d ed ... Geoffrey Whit- ney . Aldershot , Eng .: Scolar . Marlowe , Christopher ... Miller , D. A. 1992. Bringing out Roland Barthes . Berkeley and Los Angeles ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University of Miami , 1995 ) , 155–68 , Dawkins quoted on 159 . 47. Greg Baker , “ Treasured ... Geoffrey Tomb , “ Miami Revisited Tour Seeks to Find ' Real City , ” ” Miami ... Miller, interview with Gregory Bush, 1999, in author's.
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University of California, Berkeley, p. 234, unpublished (hereafter ... Miller to Carl Hubbs, October 8, 1971, folder 18, box 55, Hubbs papers, UCSD ... Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Lee Star, Sorting Things Out: Classification ...