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"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
... of smiling boosts people's mood. By SUSAN BRINK I OS ANOtLES TIMES. "Wear a ... Charles Darwin, a very 2006 theory to treat depression has emerged. Why not ... in author of a commentary m the jour nal, that it should be consider ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
... of Canadian nalionalily, lias produced in the editorial columns of thai ... in author- itv showed some clear recognition of the \fact that there is a ... Darwin so ably demonstrated. The ethnologist has no separate column for ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
... of our solar system." enld the lecturer, "but It only put the s. • e.nco of astronomy on firm ground. So tho i inclusions drawn hv Darwin 'r resaril to natural se'.-rtlnn were discredited by lator knowledge, but the very facts that ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
... of death of Nicholas Longwoiih. A. April ft. 1931. Q. Name tho leading countries ... In- author of Ihn poem Simon llio Cyrenlan Speaks" A. Countoo Cullen. . Q ... Darwin, bellow or roar In llio breeding •>--'-' -••!-» • season ...