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"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
Charles Darwin, Frederick Burkhardt Sydney Smith, James A. Secord, Alison M. Pearn. BIBLIOGRAPHY The following ... in author - date form . Adams , Charles Baker . 1852. Hints on the geographical distribution of animals , with ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
Illustrated with book-end doodles about reading "The Origin is one of the most important books ever published, and a knowledge of it should be a part of the intellectual equipment of every educated person.The book will endure in future ages ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
Charles Darwin, Frederick Burkhardt, Sydney Smith. Some Darwin letters and an occasional letter to Darwin are known ... in author - date form , with full titles supplied in the bibliography . 6. Darwin's annotations . In the early ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
... of provenances , unless the source is a published work . References to published works are given in author - date form , with full titles and publication details supplied in the bibliography . 6. Darwin's annotations . Darwin frequently ...
"inauthor: Charles Darwin", источник:
Charles Darwin, Frederick Burkhardt Sydney Smith. BIBLIOGRAPHY The following bibliography contains all books and ... in author - date form . ADB : Allgemeine deutsche Biographie . Under the auspices of the Historical Com- mission of ...