Любой режим просмотра
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"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... William Whrttonl pro- tcstmtr in no measured terjtis against their) having ... e^r' tions — published n at 5d in r>roueht £220 (Mnkes). ae« nut £1*0 for th ... Burns. They <>9me to the sale tdom apparently from! some doe^^ndant ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... William Randolph Hearst, he said, did not know that Dr. Hale was in the. pay ... e embassy, and as such has been bound by contract till June -o 1818. in ... Burns detective agency, in rm endeavor to show thnt the British were ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... E. Feor- Ick,, 32 Plum street. Frank J. Cough- lln. 67 Superior street; O. M. Punch, Clay avenue. Archer R. White, 71 Ambrose street: William L, Burns, 02 Ar- nett street; George S. Colvln, 06 Grand avenue; Jacob I) Ackcrman, I ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... e liberties of bis country. equally well of the public. It will labor for, r ... William King- g- ty In internal improveraenta, and a civil serlake. 4)ne of ... Burns. 2. Oliver Gold..._....._ .... smith. ?.. John Bnnyan. Of ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... E. M, iMaitiand, Lieut, t. C. Lit tlo, Lieut. R. S. Montague .and FliKht ... William Stubbs place, -thence alonp th<» pubfie r.iad -to Samud Woolfolks ... burns' he to •] Had received.. Lieut. Little also was rescued from the ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... e Dicil from an Attack of Pneumonia eumonia After nil Illness of a Week. eek ... Burns, manager of the banking house of J. P. Morgan & Co., in London, died ... William Duane Aldrich. brothers: liam A. AllrU-h. son. and Harold K ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... E Morris, 11 A. M. and 7.UU P. M, Sundn! School at A. M. Lutheran I ... William Martin, Chuplaln, U A. M. Services ut Alma House ut 4 P. M. by Mr ... burns readily, but makes no stain when dropped on tho hand. In appearance ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... Edward B. McLean, wife of the publisher of the Washington Post. Mrs. McLean ... William J. Burns, then with the department. LIGHT WENT Ot'T ,WITH HIS fl.OM ... in author ha* learned the *•!• u* of an attractive Jacket.— Humorist ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... William Julius, M. Lay, A. L. Loftin, A. J. Pettit,.W. J. Steelo, N. C. ... In author-. Tons of thousands of spectators saw several men ... burns ha had received. Lieutenant Little also was was rCBCUed rCBCUed from ,ne deblls ah%e ...
"inauthor: William E. Burns", источник:
... William Maginn, the Irish critic, poet, scholar, novelist, and parodist, who ... Burns- -whose lives have boon shadowed by their own weakness It is possible ... E''e° °t LL.D. Before this, how- ever, he had taken over the man ...