I am a clinical psychologist and Programme Lead for the Cognition, Emotion and Mental Health Programme. I am also director of the Cambridge Centre for ...
Research Clinical Psychologist, UKMRC - Cited by 45697 - Clinical Psychology
Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder
1997 г.
Wilde, Yeats, Stoker: Great Writers of Ireland
The Three Hearts of the Octopus
2017 г.
Orwell, Two Guinea Pigs, a Cat and a Goat and Other Essays
2017 г.
The Life and Theatre of Antonin Artaud
2016 г.
The Guerilla Philosopher: Colin Wilson and Existentialism
1993 г.
Clinical Psychologist. Affective scientist. Programme Leader at @mrccbu @Cambridge_Uni @CPFT_Research. Translational science of #MentalHealth.
I am broadly interested in affective neuroscience in relation to clinical depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Research Clinical Psychologist, UKMRC - Cité(e) 45 662 fois - Clinical Psychology
Tim is an actor, writer and filmmaker. Further information below and at lookingfortim.com PLAYING MACBETH 'Tim Dalgleish has surpassed himself in this ...
Tim Dalgleish is a fraud prevention expert, with over 18 years experience. He has worked with businesses in over 20 countries to implement effective fraud ...
A world-leading cognitive neuroscientist and clinical psychologist. His focus is on one of the most significant medical challenges of modern times.
I am a clinical psychologist, so I work with people with mental health problems. I'm an academic too, so I try to think of ways of improving our clinical ...