I am a clinical psychologist and Programme Lead for the Cognition, Emotion and Mental Health Programme. I am also director of the Cambridge Centre for ...
Research Clinical Psychologist, UKMRC - Cited by 44779 - Clinical Psychology
Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder
1997 г.
Wilde, Yeats, Stoker: Great Writers of Ireland
The Three Hearts of the Octopus
2017 г.
Orwell, Two Guinea Pigs, a Cat and a Goat and Other Essays
2017 г.
The Life and Theatre of Antonin Artaud
2016 г.
The Guerilla Philosopher: Colin Wilson and Existentialism
1993 г.
Clinical Psychologist. Affective scientist. Programme Leader at @mrccbu @Cambridge_Uni @CPFT_Research. Translational science of #MentalHealth.
I am broadly interested in affective neuroscience in relation to clinical depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Tim is an actor, writer and filmmaker. Further information below and at lookingfortim.com PLAYING MACBETH 'Tim Dalgleish has surpassed himself in this ...
Professor Tim Dalgleish FBA ; Fellow type: UK Fellow ; Year elected: 2024 ; Honours: FBA ; Sections: Psychology ; Website: https://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/people/tim.
I am a clinical psychologist, so I work with people with mental health problems. I'm an academic too, so I try to think of ways of improving our clinical ...
Tim Dalgleish is a fraud prevention expert, with over 18 years experience. He has worked with businesses in over 20 countries to implement effective fraud ...
I am a clinical psychologist working in the Emotion Group where I lead the Cognition, Emotion and Mental Health Programme.