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Richard Westall | Faust and Lilith (Faust preparing to waltz with the young Witch at the Festival of the Wizards and Witches in the Hartz Mountains) (1831)
From Jack Kilgore & Co., Richard Westall, Faust and Lilith (Faust preparing to waltz with the young Witch at the Festival of the Wizards and Witches in the…
78 месяцев назад
5 chilling details about Richard Rogers aka the Last Call Killer
Richard Rogers dubbed the Last Call Killer, tortured and killed four men in Manhattan between 1992 and 1993.
18 месяцев назад
Graphic Arts: Prints, Drawings, Paintings Archives
Princeton University
Sixty-three Thomas Rowlandson drawings, writes Joseph Rothrock, professor emeritus, University of New Mexico and former curator of graphic arts.
154 месяца назад
Trio of art exhibitions including 'unprecedented' collaboration set for town gallery
East Anglian Daily Times
A trio of new art exhibitions, including an unprecedented collaboration with the world-famous Royal Academy, are set to open at a Suffolk gallery this week.
2 месяца назад
From Byron to Cole Porter, 5 famous travelers in love with Ravenna
Ravenna Turismo
Over the centuries, Ravenna has been a destination for thousands of travellers, among them some many famous.
33 месяца назад
Efemérides: los acontecimientos más importantes del 2 de enero
Hazañas, tragedias, cumpleaños y fallecimientos son los acontecimientos más importantes que pasaron un día como hoy.
2 недели назад
Richard Rogers: Who Were His Victims? How Many People Did He Kill?
The Cinemaholic
Although it was in 2001 when Richard Westall Rogers Jr. was ultimately arrested and identified as a serial killer, it is believed he'd been...
18 месяцев назад
Richard Rogers: Where is the Serial Killer Now?
The Cinemaholic
Richard Westall Rogers Jr. is one of the most horrific serial killers owing to his sheer disregard for the human body, experience, and mind.
18 месяцев назад
Adam and Eve with Satan, Ithuriel and Zephon | William Finden | Richard Westall
Victoria and Albert Museum
Richard Westall, engraved by William Finden. Adam and Eve with Satan, Ithuriel and Zephon. Illustration to the 1816/1822 edition of Paradise...
186 месяцев назад
Boydell's Illustrations of Shakespeare, Vol. II: Julius Caesar, Act IV, Scene III (after Richard Westall)
The University of Chicago
Boydell's Illustrations of Shakespeare, Vol. II: Julius Caesar, Act IV, Scene III (after Richard Westall). Maker John Boydell (British (English), 1719-1804).
8 месяцев назад