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"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... in author- ity , fathers , mothers , princes , lords , and finally also the executioner , who should not say to the evil doer , to whom he must administer justice , as however they are accus- tomed to do : " Dear Sir , forgive me , what ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... in author- ity , even in temporal matters . He is subject to the provision that his government be just and useful to the people . 4 Ockham goes so far as to 3 • Bullowa : The History of the Theory of Sovereignty , p . 22 . 2 Pollock ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
Erich Pontoppidan. of sinners . Bless Thou all who are in author . ity in the land , promote the general welfare , make the earth fruitful , preserve us from public calamity , do gcod unto my kindred and friends , provide for the poor ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... Lutheran Church 284.1 [ See also Augsburg Confession ; Ecclesiastical History - Denmark , Germany , Norway ; Pietists ; Reformation , The ; Zwingli- anism ; and Luther , Martin , in Author Catalogue . ] Luxury . Ethics 177.4 [ See also ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... Lutheran Movement in England under Henry VIII . and Edward VI ......... Jacobs , Dr. H. E. G 2 P 38 [ See also Augsburg Confession ; Ecclesiastical History ; Pietists ; Zwinglianism ; Reformation , The ; and under Luther , Martin in Author ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... Luther ( 1530 ) von Koburg aus nach Augsburg die unvergleichlichen Worte zurufen könnte , in denen das gegen- seitige Verhältniß der beiden Männer sich so rein abspiegelt : „ So erzeigt ,, sich ... in Author'a Mrinatlehon einfchrt will.
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
A Handbook for the Catechetical Class Martin Luther. in prayer ? 9. Why must we pray in Christ's name ? 10. What is ... in author- ity ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty . Matt . 5:44 . Pray ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
Martin Luther. me to understand " nephilim ” to designate not bulk of body , but tyranny and oppression , inasmuch as ... in author- ity , against kings and princes , as if God proceeded against them with a peculiar hatred ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... LUTHER . Table - Talk of Martin Luther ( IVth . Centenary Edition ) , 12mo ... Author of The Man of Feeling . Works , portrait , 8 vols . cr . 8vo ... in author's house , 4to , 3s 1884 250 copies printed , only a few of these ...
"inauthor: Martin Luther", источник:
... Lutheran Origin of the 39 Articles [ See also Augsburg Confession ; Ecclesiastical History - Germany ; Pietists ; Zwinglianism ; Reformation , The ; and under Luther , Martin , in Author Catalogue . ] Luxembourg Luxury , Ease , and Vice ...