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"inauthor: John W Lockhart, Sr", источник:
... W : B.- Works in Author Index . Lilliput Levee . ( Sl . abr . ) - W : B ... SR 15 B Limitations of Youth , The . - Eugene Field . RTV WR 38 Lincoln ... Lockhart . -OVV ་ ་ Lines : " Love within the lover's breast . -G : Meredith ...
"inauthor: John W Lockhart, Sr", источник:
... W BOOKS IN THE PRESS . Early next week will be published , In Five Acts ... John Henry Newman , B.D. Fellow of Oriel College , and Vicar of St. Mary the ... S. R. Maitland . New edition , enlarged . 12mo . 68. 6d . A Connexion of ...
"inauthor: John W Lockhart, Sr", источник:
... W : B. - Works in Author Lilliput Lectures . Index . Lilliput Levee . ( Sl ... SR 15 Limitations of Youth , The . - Eugene Field . WR 38 Lincoln . - Anon ... Lockhart . -OVV SC- Lines : " Love within the lover's breast . " - G ...
"inauthor: John W Lockhart, Sr", источник:
... John Henry Newman , B.D. Fellow of Oriel College , and Vicar of St. Mary the ... S. R. Maitland . New edition , enlarged . 12mo . 68. 6d . A Connexion of ... LOCKHART , Esq . Volume First appeared on 18th March . Volume Second on ...
"inauthor: John W Lockhart, Sr", источник:
... W . H. woman saint is the 4,721 . - Saint . - What patron of childhood ... Lockhart's " Life of -E . B. 66 - 4,710 . - Poem Wanted . " The Lifeboat ... John lanies , ' introduction by Morley , " dated December 24th , 1883 , the ...