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"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy Percy L. Greaves (Jr.) Kimmel May 25 , 1944 , letter to Senator Sinclair Weeks ... J. Hurley . Chicago : Henry Regnery , 1956 . Lombard , Helen . While They Fought : Behind the Scenes in Washington ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... Greaves , A. 1978. Description of seed sources and collections for provenances of Pinus carih- aea . Tropical ... J .; Espinoza , M. , eds . 1990. Memoria del primer encuentro regional sobre especies forestales nativas de la zona ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
Sir William Oldnall Russell, Charles Sprengel Greaves Daniel Davis, Theron Metcalf, George Sharswood. Person ac . ing ... J. , " That applies to mere strangers ; here the person went with the pro- secutor , and was acting with his ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... J .; Espinoza , M. , eds . 1990. Memoria del primer encuentro regional sobre especies forestales nativas de la zona ... Greaves , A. 1978. Description of seed sources and collections for provenances of Pinus carib- aea . Tropical ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... In author has studied the action at various tempera- Lancashire to this day ... J. Dobbie . The authors oxidized quinine with purely orthographical for ... Greaves ; Vice - Presi- dents , H. S. Eaton , J. P. Harrison , Dr. R. J. ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... J. Loton . RAWMARSH . YORKSHIRE . Acts adopted in December , Staff , 1 ... in Author and Class form . ing for Lending Library : Indicator ... greaves Wilkinson . Local telephone number : 5 . Curator : Mr. Har- Public ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... In . Author's experiences with wild squirrels told to interest young people ... Greaves 108p.4to . Stokes $ In . How baby animals grow , what they eat ... J. Bil- linghurst . 126p.8vo . Stokes . $ 1.35n . Facts about natural ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... J. Jones , £ 20 2167 Recueil des Meilleurs Contes en Vers , par la Fontaine ... Greaves , and Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield , numerous illustrations by Geo ... in author's autograph : " A mon excellent ami Georges Moreau ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... J. Jones , £ 20 2167 Recueil des Meilleurs Contes en Vers , par la Fontaine ... Greaves , and Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield , numerous illustrations by Geo ... in author's autograph : " A mon excellent ami Georges Moreau ...
"inauthor: J. Greaves", источник:
... Greaves , C.E. , givest the following meters , and photometers are all ... J. Sampson . 1889 . Not On the upper or wearing surface of the paving brick ... in author says just enough to express the idea he an advertisement ...