... George Washington . The . For an Autumn Festival . Give Thanks , ff . Giving ... WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY . Birthday of Washington , The . Birthday of ... in AUTHOR INDEX . ) SPECIAL Books : BLP - DFR - HS - LL - PEO CHARADES ...
... George Washington , The . For an Autumn Festival . Give Thanks , ff . Giving ... WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY . Birthday of Washington , The . Birthday of ... in AUTHOR INDEX . ) SPECIAL BOOKS : BLP DFR -HS - LL - PEO CHARADES . Acting ...
... George Armstrong Cus- ter Famous discoverers and explorers of America . '17 ... Washington , America ; Ten commandments of patriotism ; Robert E. Lee ... in author's illustrations from nature . " A. L. A. McCarthy , Justin ...
... George Washington to the time of John Kennedy, a disproportion of those who were considered to be great relative to ... in Author's Note: My thanks to John Schmid- hauser of the University of Iowa for the use of his data on Supreme ...
American Economist George Washington's Warning . 그 52 82 19200 The Child ... George R. Meyercord , Ill . Henry B. Joy , Michigan Augustus G. Paine ... in author- ity ; and yet we see no movement on the part of those in power to ...
Economist George Washington's Warning . mand for restored Protection ... George R. Meyercord , Ill . Henry B. Joy , Michigan Augustus G. Paine ... in author- ity ; and yet we see no movement on the part of those in power to ...
... in Author ( GRA ) specimen fatigue life . N85-35426 # Harvard Univ . , Cambridge , Mass . Sciences . Div . of ... George Washington Univ . , Washington , D.G. School of Engineering and Applied Science . PREDICTION OF PLASTICITY ...
... in author- ity ; it was near the Battery , which very early in the history of New York became a delightful ... GEORGE WASHINGTON'S CHAIR - CLOCK AT 57 BROADWAY . Varick streets ) , Bleecker street , and even Washington Square ...