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"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... University Press, 2015. Kabaservice, Geoffrey. The Guardians: Kingman Brewster, His Circle, and the Rise of the Liberal Establishment. New York: H. Holt and Co., 2004. Kanigel, Robert. Eyes on the Street: The Life of Jane Jacobs. New ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Miller (Rockefeller Institute), Vernon Bryson (Rutgers University), Howard B. Newcombe (Cold Spring Harbor ... Geoffrey H. Beale, M. Grieg, Halldór Grimsson, Albert Kelner, Philip Morrison, Aaron Novick, Gerald Oster, Richard B ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
Grant's Campaign That Broke the Confederacy Donald L. Miller. Nolan , Cathal J. The Allure of Battle : How Wars Have ... Geoffrey . Lincoln's War : The Untold Story of America's Greatest President as Commander in Chief . New York ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Miller , “ Academic Scandal in the Internet Age , " Chronicle of Higher Education , January 12 , 2001 ; Judith ... Geoffrey Sea declared that “ the book is as insightful as it is important . ” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 57 ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Miller , and the Structure of the Canterbury Tales . ” In Critical Essays on Geoffrey Chaucer , edited by Thomas C. Stillinger , 82-111 . New York : Hall , 1998 . " What Man Artow ? ' : Authorial Self - Definition in The Tale of Sir ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Kabaservice , Brewster's biographer , compiled these figures . Kabaservice also allowed the author to read a draft chapter , titled " Meritoc- racy and Yale's Road to Coeducation , " from the biography . In author's personal ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Whit- ney . Aldershot , Eng .: Scolar . Marlowe , Christopher . 1973. Complete works . Ed . Fredson Bowers ... Miller , D. A. 1992. Bringing out Roland Barthes . Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Reaume. Rose, D. (2004). Discourses and experiences of social mix in gentrifying neighbourhoods: A Montreal ... Miller, T. (Eds.). (2011). It gets better: Coming out, overcoming bullying, and creating a life worth living ...
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Tomb , “ Miami Revisited Tour Seeks to Find ' Real City , ” ” Miami Herald , April 23 , 1998 , 1B . 58. Yolanda Balido , “ Bayside Dreams : City Makes New Attempt to ... Miller, interview with Gregory Bush, 1999, in author's.
"inauthor: Geoffrey Miller", источник:
... Geoffrey Bullough , 358- 406. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul and New York : Columbia University Press , 1964 ... Miller . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998 . Tannen , Deborah . Talking Voices : Repetition , Dialogue ...