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"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
... ( in author's possession ) , 18 . 3. Clynes makes no bones about his hatred of Henry , who is frequently referred ... David Loades , The Tudor Court , 107 , and Edward Hall , The Triumphant Reigne of Henry VIII , ed . Charles Whibley ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
После развода родителей Лиззи, ее старшая сестра, младший брат и лабрадор Дебби вынуждены были перебраться из роскошного ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
«В первой песне сначала вкратце излагается все содержание: ослушание Человека и потеря вследствие этого Рая, бывшего его жилищем; ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
Жизнь Хелен идеальна – муж-архитектор, великолепный дом в викторианском стиле, дружная семья и долгожданная, после многих ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
... in author's possession. Jones Lundin Beals Advertising Consultants, “U.S. Army Advertising Agency Relationship ... David S. Cloud, “Army Misses Its June Goal for New Recruits,” NYT, July 10, 2007; “Fewer Army Recruits Have Diplomas ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
Human Rights in North-South Relations David Gillies. inequalities , which will shrink over time as the benefits of ... in author- itarian and especially totalitarian regimes . Freedom of speech , of assembly , and of association ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
... in author's earlier paper [ Luu and Coulney , Bulletin d'Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique no ... David , Y. , and Lefebvre de Ladonchamps , J. , Perspec- tives of the application of nuclear propulsion for merchant ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
... David Kutner, phone conversation with author, February 10, 2015. Notes in author's possession. 16. National Oceanic ... loads/PSAC,%201965,%20Restoring%20the%20Quality%20of%20Our%20Environ ment.pdf. 20. “Third National Climate ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
... loads they carry in flight . 55. Rodney Ricketts interview with author , 27 September 2001 . 56. Michael ... David Moore , Rein- venting NASA ( Washington , DC : Congressional Budget Office , 1984 ) . 65. Andrew J. Butrica ...
"inauthor: David Loades", источник:
... Loads upon Rails,” AREA Proceedings 27 (1926): 580–85. Minutes of the meeting are “On the Examination of ... David Barnes, “Transverse Fissure Detecting Devices” AREA Proceedings 28 (1927): 967–74, and Sperry Rail Service ...