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"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... TENNYSON'S ( ALFRED ) A Dream of Fair Women . 40 Illustrations . Arabesque binding . Morocco antique or tree - calf , $ 9.00 . 1 vol . 4to . Ballads and other Poems . Edition , with Portrait . 1 vol . 16mo . 50 cents . $ 5.00 . In Author's ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... TENNYSON'S ( ALFRED ) A Dream of Fair Women . 40 Illustrations . Arabesque binding . 1 vol . 4to . Morocco antique or tree - calf , $ 9.00 . Ballads and other Poems . Edition , with Portrait . 1 vol . 16mo . 50 cents . $ 5.00 . In Author's ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... ALFRED TENNYSON , D.C.L .. YEAST . By Professor HUXLEY . GEORGE MACDONALD ... in Author of " Lady Wedderburn's Wish , " " The Romance of War , " " Under ... Author of " Grif , " and " Joshua Marvel . " " The story abounds with ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... in Author , an Map of Unh Scott , the Lady of the Lake . six centos . With a ... Author , an introduction , and Explanatory Notes . 6 % Bog . geh ... Alfred Tennyson , A Selection from the Works of Robert Browning . Druck von ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... ALFRED LANGFORD , Author of Religious Scepticism , " " The Drama of Life , " & c . Fcap . 8vo . cloth , 28. 6d ... TENNYSON'S POEMS . Price 9s . cloth ; or 18s . elegantly bound in morocco . 11 . 10 . LOYOLA : and Jesuitism in its ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
Fitchburg Public Library. 29 New Zealand . 30 Tennyson , Lord Alfred . Volcanic. 815 B2 v . 1 , p ... ( In author's My story p . 17. ) of the war . 973.7 L2 Preble , G. H. History ... Tennyson , Lord Alfred . The Indian Problem . Richie.
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... Alfred Tennyson , his works the Harbours of England , and the illustrations ... author ; b . in Philadelphia , Pa . , Jan. 23 , 1790 ; graduated at the ... in author of Notes on the Epistle to the Romans ( New York , pencil and ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... Alfred Tennyson , his works are Sonnets and Fugitive Pieces ( 1830 ) ... author ; b . in Philadelphia , Pa . , Jan. 23 , 1790 ; graduated at the Uni ... in author of Notes on the Epistle to the Romans ( New York , pencil and ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... TENNYSON ( Alfred , Lord ) . Carmen Sæculare . Lond . , 1887 . 12mo . Orig . paper , g.e. , in cl . cover and hf ... in author's hand ) . MN ( 658 ) $ 140.00 . -In Memoriam . First issue of First Edition . Lond . , 1850 . 12mo . Cl ...
"inauthor: Alfred Tennyson", источник:
... binding . Morocco antique or tree - calf , $ 9.00 . 1 vol . 4to . $ 5.00 . In Author's Ballads and other Poems . Edition , with Portrait . 1 vol . 16mo . 50 cents . TENNYSON'S ( Alfred ) Poems . Illustrated Family Edi- tion.