IN 'AUTHOR' BATTERY. 'Camp -Roberts, *Ca1. Alexander Dumas, former Chicago truck driver and descendant of the famous French ... Alfred Tennyson, Lodl, C»I., do- scendant of- his namesake, and Sgt. Tlburcio Cervantes, West- wood, Cal.
... IN AUTHOR BATTERY Camp Roberts Cal.— (UP)— Pvt, Alexander Dumas, former Chicago truck driver and descendant of ... Alfred Tennyson, Lodi, Cal., descendant of his namesake and Sgt. Tiburcio Cervantes, West- wood, Cal. The wedding of ...
... IN 'AUTHOR CAMP ROB1SIITS, Pvt. Alexander Durnua, former Chicago truck driver and de swmlwnt of the famous French novelist, began training ... Alfred Tennyson, Lodl Cal., descendant ot hia nameaake and Sgt, Tibvu-clo. Cervantes Cat,
... IN AUTHOR BATTERY CAMP ROBERTS, Cal., Jan. 31. — (UP) Private Alexander Dumas, former Chicago truck driver and descendant of ... Alfred Tennyson, Lodi, Cal.. descendant of his namesake, and Sergt. Tlbur- clo Cervantes, Westwood, Cal.
... Lord Tennyson, a fow inouihq bofom tho poet's death. In his later years, the ... in author indignantly related the incident. The MJtiio party laughed merrily ... Lord Tennyson fell asleep. Irving peully disengaged his hand from ...
... TENNYSON? •American Indian Poetry' Native American poet, John Twobirds Arbuckle, joins members of the First Poetry ... Alfred Ka?in. author. Part II. (23) ODD COUPLE THE NATIONAL. 11:20 (28) NEWS 11-30 8 (3) CBS IATE MOVIE 'The Love ...
Dumas In 'Author Battery'. CAMP ROBKRTS. t'al . Kei 17 — — Pvt. Alexander Dumas, former Chicago C h truck driver and ... Alfred A l Tennyson, Lodi, Cal., descendant c of his namestake, and Sgl. T Tiburcio i Cervantes, Westwood, Cal. C a.
... author assumes that animal masnctism is established as a science upon a ... In author is worth quoting.— He says : "It if at present impossible to ... Alfred Tennyson. This exquisite poam is here pnt in the most pleasing dress ...
... in author, ]>oct, orator' and reeonleur. Dr. Van. dyl-jc of Pi incel,on calls' him the. b< si stm V-teller in Amerioa. Ilis. fi-jc-ndship' \\ ith Lord Tennyson . is \yell known to all.
... Lord Palauntan. It u a spirited philippic, «f UM t*n« of which an ... in author outlin :s the xuual arguments in furonr ! of the belief, while the ... Tennyson, sclectod and unnotittcil Frftncis T. Pul- 5^4 of Poetry in ho ...