... it- deformity, the great body of maso^ ought nouo suffer from the conduct of a few ignorant fanaticks; nor can. the use made of the circuMlstance against Mr. Clinton at the election be justified upon any principal of honour I7. -
... fanaticks who will stop at nothing at all— not even things like kidnaping, which is what they have tried to do to me several times. They always claim I have been legally committed by my wife and my other wife, but I always escape. I ...
... fanaticks execute the cruel purposes of their master, the bloody records of this war but to fatally show. But, sir, we are told that the Greek is no better than the Turk — that he too is cruel, and sometimes revengeful. That in the ...
... fanaticks of Portugal exult in therxpr&ation of making a convert to the catholic church of a perfonage fo illuftrious. -A gentleman, Mr. Frere,' we underftand, is on his way to ifcouth 'to ftate the alfair to his majefty."
... Fanaticks of New England to attempt." BERMUDA: Governor Bruere renewed his request for a warship or troops "in order to pre vent any illicit trade from foreign Ports or other irregularities, as these people will not, nor dare not ...
... fanaticks execute the cruel purposes of their master, the bloody records of this war but to fatally show. But, sir, we are told that the Greek is no better than the Turk — that he too is cruel, and sometimes revengeful. That in the ...
... fanaticks, so numerous in the western country, who imagine themselves to be called upon by Supreme Ruler to propagate the " tree ' and warn us miserable sinners to for- sake the fcllirs and vexations of the world — as they themselves ...
... fanaticks would be writing and talking about other things than the fashion and colour of hit Excellency's clothes. Surely they must suppose their readers as destitute "f common sense as they are of common decency, if they believe they ...
... fanaticks ! The millennium, the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked, the day of judgment, the joys of he'aven, and the endless despair of nil who reject the £o?ppl, will remove the reproach of those, who know the friends of ...
... fanaticks have formerly said, that " those luhom God intends to destroy , lie first renders mad." It is a saying often verified by experience, that '" one stoty is good till another is told." In a little time we shtill have tbc ...