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"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Franklin's most entertaining speculative letters on a variety of subjects: the first balloon ascensions, electrocution, daylight saving, bifocal glasses, magic squares, his famous Kite and Stove, and so on.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
"An engagingly written, thorough examination of the . . . day-to-day working of the labor market."—Journal of Economic History
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
"An attempt to give readers in one volume a speaking acquaintance with the great legal philosophers of the ages"--Preface
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Language in the Inner City firmly establishes African American Vernacular English not simply as slang but as a well-formed set of rules of pronunciation and grammar capable of conveying complex logic and reasoning and confirms the Black ...
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
The Perennial Philadelphians tells the story of the city's inherited aristocracy—of Wanamakers and Drexels, of Biddles and Cadwaladers.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Although much has been written about elite Philadelphians, only in recent decades have historians paid attention to the Jews and working-class blacks, the immigrant Irish, Italians, and Poles who settled in the city and gave such sections ...
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Review: "Unlike Machiavelli-inveterate dreamer and cynic-Guicciardini's mind is remarkable for the balance and masterly coolness of its judgment.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
"By carefully searching old state records and antiquated sources, by utilizing all possible anthropological findings, and by making close ethnological investigation among the people themselves, he has prepared a study of profound ...
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
From the Introduction: This inquiry is concerned with the themes of praxis and action in four philosophic movements: Marxism, existentialism, pragmatism, and analytic philosophy.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
This volume includes Hegel's most important early theological writings, though not all of the materials collected by Herman Nohl in his definitive Hegels theologische Jugendschriften (Tuebingen, 1907).