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"Ca2+", источник:
Investigators of Ca2+ dynamics and brain dysfunction especially will find this book useful in the development of novel drugs to treat neuropsychiatric diseases.
"Ca2+", источник:
Investigators of Ca2+ dynamics and brain dysfunction especially will find this book useful in the development of novel drugs to treat neuropsychiatric diseases.
"Ca2+", источник:
This book is designed for laboratory use by graduate students, technicians, and researchers in many disciplines, ranging from molecular to cellular levels of investigation.
"Ca2+", источник:
The definitive text on the key component for cell functions—intracellular calcium This comprehensive book reveals the evidence for intracellular calcium as a universal switch in all animal, plant, fungal and microbial cells.
"Ca2+", источник:
Calcium in Living Cells will update classic techniques in detecting microscopic levels of calcium ions (Ca2+) in living cells, as well as address new techniques in the field of calcium detection and calcium signaling.
"Ca2+", источник:
This book is wholly devoted to Ca2+ metal ion, as it is so important in regulating a wide variety of biological activities.
"Ca2+", источник:
Text reviews the understanding of the role of calcium in phototransduction, dark-and light-adaptation, recovery from bleaching and return from the dark state, and synaptic signaling of photoreceptors and their second-order neurons.
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ fluxes at different stimulation frequencies. As mentioned above, we were able to do this using a spectrofluorometric system (see section “Fluorometric Measurements in Live Myocytes”). Cells were super-fused with 1.5 mM Ca2+ ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ channel has been observed (Stanley, 1993), in most synap- ses exocytosis appears to normally be due to Ca2+ enter- ing through clusters of Ca2+ channels in active zones and contributing to local high [Ca2+] at docked vesicles: 1 ...