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"Ca2+", источник:
Investigators of Ca2+ dynamics and brain dysfunction especially will find this book useful in the development of novel drugs to treat neuropsychiatric diseases.
"Ca2+", источник:
The definitive text on the key component for cell functions—intracellular calcium This comprehensive book reveals the evidence for intracellular calcium as a universal switch in all animal, plant, fungal and microbial cells.
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ oscillations in response to PLCζ there was a marked acceleration of Ca2+ oscillations, and a reduction in the amplitude of Ca2+ spikes (Figure 3C). Similar to previous reports, we found that the pattern of PLCζ induced Ca2+ ...
"Ca2+", источник:
Linda S. Costanzo. Albumin H+ Albumin 40% Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ 60% Ca2+ Ca2+ 1000 mg 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol + Ca2+ HOMEOSTASIS Extracellular Absorption fluid Bone. FORMS OF Ca2+ IN BLOOD Total Ca2+ Ultrafilterable to anions Ionized ...
"Ca2+", источник:
- The volume provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and functions of store-operated calcium channels - Contributors are authoritative researchers who have produced important advances in the field - The volume is well ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ reabsorption is not coupled directly to Na+ reabsorption. In other words, Ca2+ reabsorption and Na+ reabsorption in the distal tubule are not necessarily parallel (as they are in the proximal tubule and the thick ascending limb) ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+] transitory. ER membrane, oligomerizes and moves to micro The second stage shows sustained [Ca2+] increase, only in the presence of extracellular Ca2+, by influx of Ca2+ through plasma membrane channels. Since the second stage ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ known as blips or puffs which are thought to trigger the onset of waves [56, 66]. Second, models are used to probe mechanisms for encoding Ca2+ spikes in terms of their frequency. A variety of physiological responses are controlled ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+]i because it provides the only source for Ca2+ influx into the outer segment. In rods, between 10 % and 18 % of the dark current (30 pA) is carried by Ca2+ [20–24]. Ca2+ entry through open CNG channels is balanced by Ca2+ extrusion ...