Investigators of Ca2+ dynamics and brain dysfunction especially will find this book useful in the development of novel drugs to treat neuropsychiatric diseases.
Investigators of Ca2+ dynamics and brain dysfunction especially will find this book useful in the development of novel drugs to treat neuropsychiatric diseases.
Calcium in Living Cells will update classic techniques in detecting microscopic levels of calcium ions (Ca2+) in living cells, as well as address new techniques in the field of calcium detection and calcium signaling.
Text reviews the understanding of the role of calcium in phototransduction, dark-and light-adaptation, recovery from bleaching and return from the dark state, and synaptic signaling of photoreceptors and their second-order neurons.
... Ca2+ in response to environmental stimulation. Pro- tozoa, the first single-cell organisms, developed a highly sophisticated Ca2+ handling machinery with many plas- malemmal and intercellular Ca2+ channels which allowed ...
... Ca2+ channel has been observed (Stanley, 1993), in most synap- ses exocytosis appears to normally be due to Ca2+ enter- ing through clusters of Ca2+ channels in active zones and contributing to local high [Ca2+] at docked vesicles: 1 ...
... Ca2+ handling plays an important role in the pathogenesis of HF, and this kind of alteration in myocytes is a primary defect causing contractile dysfunction in HF (Yano et al. 2005). Modifications in the expression and/or activity of Ca2+ ...
... Ca2+. However, aside from this special case, Ca2+ influx through AMPA receptors does not seem to play a major role in astrocyte Ca2+ signaling because in most brain regions astrocytes express AMPA receptors that contain the GluR2 sub ...
... Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The positive feedback (+ve) of Ca2+ on the IP3 receptor (IP3 R. CICR and R limit initiates the Ca2+ Ca2+-induced increase. Some Ca2+ release (CICR) through the IP3 The elevated Ca2+ has ...