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"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ mobilization and Ca2+ entry mechanisms coupled to the α mesenteric 1 -adrenoceptor arteries in were resistance kept in a arteries, nominally endothelium-denuded Ca2+-free medium, stimulated with PE and further activated with ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+] i may be regulated independently, Ca2+ waves generated in the cytoplasm can spread into the nucleo- plasm of several cell types. Furthermore, cytoplasmic Ca2+puffs can cause transient increase in nucleoplas- mic [Ca2+]. In HeLa ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ pool contributes to whole-cell intracellular Ca2+ transients in human iPSC-CMs (Itzhaki et al., 2011). To maintain sustainable Ca2+ cycling, released Ca2+ must be removed from the cytosol. In adult human CMs, 70% of cytosolic ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+], and to a lesser extent on factors that affect Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. The contractility of cardiac muscle is primarily dependent on the way that the cell handles Ca2+. Initiation. of. contraction. During the ...
"Ca2+", источник:
This book will be informative and challenging for scientists, enlightening and stimulating for intellectuals and serious students, and highly beneficial and interesting for Alzheimer’s workers and the public.
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ in the presynaptic nerve terminal. Thus, understanding presynaptic Ca2+ signaling and the way in which Ca2+ triggers transmitter release are important prerequisites for understand- ing the mechanisms underlying STE. Presynaptic. Ca2 ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ in a multi-chromatic manner. Accordingly, we co-expressed each sub-mitochondrial targeted GEM-GeCO1 with either the cytosolic- (CARGeCO1) or the mitochondrial matrix-targeted (mt-CARGeCO1) red Ca2+ biosensor and imaged the ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ signaling and the way in which Ca2+ triggers transmitter release are important prerequisites for understand- ing the mechanisms underlying STE. Presynaptic. Ca2+signaling: phasic. release. The briefest form of Ca2+ signaling in the ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ acts as a switch for these enzymes. Physiologically bulk cytosolic Ca2+ in non-muscle cells rarely rises more than 1–2 μM. So it is perhaps surprising to find that the calpain-1 is activated by Ca2+ at 20–60 μM Ca2+ and calpain ...
"Ca2+", источник:
... Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ) (15), but important differences were noted. FcγRIIa used the second messenger of Ca2+ from an internal pool (15), while IP3 to the increase induce release in [Ca2+] i induced by FcγRIIIb did not involve ...