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6 дней назад · Read our blog post on @redbulltheater's production of Lord Byron's "Sardanapalus" at the link below. Huge thanks to Vasileia Moschou for this blog ...
7 дней назад · В Палаццо Гвиччоли поэт закончил некоторые из своих произведений: «Дон Жуан», «Сарданапал», «Пророчество Данте» и «Паломничество Чайльд-Гарольда». После графини ...
6 дней назад · As it turns out, Liszt worked on his opera Sardanapalo—based on a verse play by Lord Byron—between 1845 and 1852. Liszt informed Richard Wagner that the ...
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3 дня назад · В третий том вошли поэмы, сатиры и проза. В четвертый том вошла драматургия Байрона (1788-1824): "Манфред", "Марино Фальеро, дож венецианский", "Сарданапал", ...
6 дней назад · Here is some information about Lord Byron's SARDANAPALUS—courtesy of the Byron Society of America: Sardanapalus, set in ancient Assyria, is a testament to ...
Не найдено: Джордж Гордон
3 дня назад · Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for ...
6 дней назад · They will be able to explore the rooms where Byron conducted his affair and where he completed a number of his masterpieces including Sardanapalus, The Prophecy ...
6 дней назад · Sardanapalus Watch Party! Join us for an afternoon of Romantic drama! We're hosting a Watch Party for Lord Byron's Sardanapalus, performed by ...
Не найдено: Сарданапал | Нужно включить:Сарданапал
3 дня назад · RED BULL THEATER will present a live in-person and simulcast performance of SARDANAPALUS by Lord Byron, directed by Raz Golden on October 24. Learn more ...
5 дней назад · “Byron, George Noel Gordon. Born Jan. 22, 1788, in London; died Apr. 19,1824 ... In the tragedies Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice (published in 1821), Sardanapalus ...