"inauthor:"Paul H. Gebhard"", источник:
Originally published in 1953, the material presented in Sexual Behavior in the Human Female was derived from personal interviews with nearly 6,000 women; from studies in sexual anatomy, physiology, psychology, and endocrinology.
"inauthor:"Paul H. Gebhard"", источник:
This volume, originally published in 1979, is the culmination of the Kinsey Institute's desire to compile and publish the data from the original Institute case histories taken from 1938 to 1963.
"inauthor:"Paul H. Gebhard"", источник:
Verslag van een onderzoek naar het seksuele gedrag en sociale achtergrond van plegers van zedenmisdrijven. O.a. aandacht voor seksuele kindermishandeling, homoseksuele zedenmisdrijven, exhibitionisme en voyeurisme.