Experience the temptation, pleasure, punishment, and redemption of Christina Rossetti's brilliant poetic masterpiece in this classic keepsake edition, gorgeously illustrated with Pre-Raphaelite paintings by Christina's brother, Dante ...
This new selection of Rossetti's poems brings together works by one of the most significant nineteenth-century English poets. It includes an illuminating introduction, a chronology of Rossetti's life and works, and explanatory notes.
THE STORY: Two proper Victorian sisters, both now grown women and mothers, return to their childhood nursery to relive the haunting memories of their youth.
This work comprises a collection of the poetic works of 19th century poet Christina Rossetti. Rossetti's inner life dominates her poetry, exploring the themes of loss and unattainable hope across subjects ranging from love to the divine.
Scholars have long felt the need for a complete collection of her work, yet, until now, there has been none. In this projected three-volume set, R.W. Crump will present all of Rossetti’s known poetry.