"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
The Perennial Philadelphians tells the story of the city's inherited aristocracy—of Wanamakers and Drexels, of Biddles and Cadwaladers.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
From the Introduction: This inquiry is concerned with the themes of praxis and action in four philosophic movements: Marxism, existentialism, pragmatism, and analytic philosophy.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
This volume includes Hegel's most important early theological writings, though not all of the materials collected by Herman Nohl in his definitive Hegels theologische Jugendschriften (Tuebingen, 1907).
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Chronicles the life of self-taught nineteenth-century painter Edward Hicks, drawing heavily from family correspondence and Hicks' memoirs.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
"By carefully searching old state records and antiquated sources, by utilizing all possible anthropological findings, and by making close ethnological investigation among the people themselves, he has prepared a study of profound ...
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Originally published in 1943, Delaware's Forgotten Folk endures as one of the fundamental volumes on understanding the life and history of the Nanticoke and Moor peoples.
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
"Long recognized as one of the truly great interpreters of Greek religion, Professor Nilsson has, in this volume, made a real and lasting contribution."--Morton Scott Enslin
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
The Natures of John and William Bartram is a major work of natural and human history—beautifully written, psychologically insightful, and full of provocative ideas concerning the place of nature in the imagination of Americans, past and ...
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
Although much has been written about elite Philadelphians, only in recent decades have historians paid attention to the Jews and working-class blacks, the immigrant Irish, Italians, and Poles who settled in the city and gave such sections ...
"bibliogroup:"Pennsylvania Paperbacks"", источник:
An outstanding collection of Benjamin Franklin's scientific correspondence, The Ingenious Dr. Franklin has long been unavailable yet deserves a place beside his Autobiography as essential reading for everyone interested in history, wit, and ...